People have many reasons for choosing to get the fitters in – but, whether it’s cosmetic or it’s a necessity, it’s got to be the right choice for you.
Today, simply having efficient double glazing can save you hundreds in heating bills and, particularly here in Cornwall, help to manage mould issues.
It is also a great way to get behind the green movement and do your part for the environment and use less energy.
But over the years, we have seen a number of creative ways people have tried to prolong the life of their windows… until it becomes absolutely necessary.
If you think your windows might actually not be as effective as they once were or are just simply not up to the job anymore, we’ve got some nifty tips here to help you spot when it’s probably time to them sorted!
1. Window operation/decaying frames
This one might seem fairly obvious, but have you checked the maintenance of your windows?
Walk around the house and check the functionality of each one to make sure they still open and close well, lock properly and feel for any draft (you can do this by holding a candle up to the ages and watching for a flickering flame).
It is also worth taking a look at the frame and checking for signs of decay. This can be a particular problem with wooden frames, which, if they are prone to damp, can rot and begin to lose their proper structure.
Do you have double glazing that has condensation between the glass? This could be a sign that the seals in your windows have failed and could be a risk of leaks.
You might also notice leaks when it has been raining particularly hard, gathering in pools on your windowsill.
2. Energy bills
If your energy bills are looking higher than they should be, it could be down to your windows.
According to uSwitch, single glazed windows mean your house could be losing up to 20% of its heat – which is the last thing you want during a cold winter.
And this could be a similar stat if your windows aren’t fitted correctly or have deteriorated with time!
By analysing your energy bills, you can get a rough idea of how efficient your house is and help you make an informed decision about whether new ones are the right choice for you.
3. Condensation/mould
Here in Cornwall, mould is a common issue – especially in older buildings, such as cottages.
Check your windows each morning to see if there is condensation on the inside and be wary of mould around the window frame.
This can be a good indication of how well your windows are keeping the damp out, and a strategic way of assessing how energy efficient your home is.
You may be aware that mould is a sign that your heating, insulation or ventilation needs improving, but proper, double glazed windows can be a simple solution.
4. Sound
Can you hear a car driving from the other end of the street? How soundproof your windows are is a good way of testing how well your windows are keeping the heat in.
And it goes without saying that the better the soundproofing, the better the efficiency!
New windows are also a great way to add value to your home and something buyers will be looking out for – remember, the less they have to do, the more likely they’ll probably be to buy!
But even if you just want to improve the look of your house for, well, you, we can help to create your dream design and bring all the benefits of new windows to your home.
Give us a call at Levick and Jenkin if you want to chat about your window needs and how we can help!