Solar glass – helping you keep cool this summer

It’s all in the name really – Solar glass is a thing! Here at Levick and Jenkin we want to help you keep cool during the summer heat, but also keep your house looking stylish and modern.  That’s why we offer solar glass for your windows. Now, you’d possibly think with...

The Top 9 conservatories to install in spring 2018

With spring finally sprung we can all start to dream of those long days outside, BBQ’s and making the most of the Great British summer. There is little better for that late evening sunshine than retiring to a modern conservatory with friends and family. The real joy...

Commercial Business Fronts

Business owners always think of their product first – and rightly so. However, your look on the high street is becoming increasingly important as we battle with the online world. Sure, customers might need your product – but are they being attracted into...

4 Signs you need new windows

Wondering when it’s the right time to replace your windows? People have many reasons for choosing to get the fitters in – but, whether it’s cosmetic or it’s a necessity, it’s got to be the right choice for you. Today, simply having...

Top 8 things to do with conservatories

Are you considering a conservatory… but not quite sure what you want to do with it? Conservatories are an excellent way to add extra space to your home, as well as bump up the value for less than it would cost to build a full-blown extension. And not only will...

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